Thursday, March 8, 2007

We have arrived

Okay, I have finally done it! I have set up my blog. I am officially a blogger thanks to the encouragement from Kristy. Nick was hesitant, but I need to start journaling and I am so much faster at typing and my thoughts seem to flow better when I type, plus I need to share what is going on with us since we are so far away from just about everyone! Nick is really enjoying learning the art of floor laying (tile, wood, carpet etc.), counters, cabinetry list just keeps getting longer every week. Aiden is so big; he was 6 mos. yesterday. He is just at 15 lbs. He rolls over both ways for about two months now, is almost sitting and is on the verge of crawling, although he scoots pretty quickly even though he plows his face into the floor. Ethan is growing too. Last week he decided he liked spaghetti (which he refers to as baghetti) with sauce, homemade hamburgers, shrimp and vegetable soup. Nick and I are very excited, but are wondering where our little Ethan has gone. While I would love to keep rambling, the laundry will not fold itself and the wee ones are asleep -- a little time for me -- yeah right :).


Kristy said...

Liz!! I am so excited! Can't wait to see some pictures. I loved the ones you sent last week. Ethan and Sam will have to play Star Wars when you come up!! Now we just have to get Christina blogging. Sure love you guys.

Kristy said...

I am going to set up a link on my site to yours. Is that ok?